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Language and Identity in Greece, 1766–1976. By Peter Mackridge. Oxford: University Press 2010. XIV + 383 pp., 2 maps. ISBN 978-0-19-959905-9

Seiten 178 - 187

DOI https://doi.org/10.13173/medilangrevi.18.2011.0178

University of Cyprus

1 Ager, D. 2005. Image and prestige planning. Current Issues in Language Planning 16/1: 1–43.

2 Householder, F. 1962. Greek diglossia. (Georgetown University Monograph Series on Language and Linguistics. 15.) Washington, DC.

3 Mirambel, A. 1937. Les ‘états de langue’ dans la Grèce actuelle. In: Conférences de l'Institut de Linguistique de l'Université de Paris 5: 19–53.


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